MMA News


  • Project Name
    HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP) Cape Leeuwin Survey
  • Duration
    10 December 2022 – 23 March 2023
  • Client
    Australian Hydrographic Office, Australian Government
  • Location
    Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia
  • Scope of Work
    MMA Offshore will perform a seabed mapping survey off the coast of Margaret River to Augusta for the purpose of updating nautical charts to improve navigational safety.
  • Survey Area
    80km x 25 km
    Divided in 19 blocks
    Long straight survey run lines arranged parallel to the coast
    Plan to complete entire block before moving to the next
  • Vessel
    Mermaid Searcher
    AIS in operation
    Displaying “Survey Vessel” signage
    Operational 24/7
    Survey Speed 7 knots
  • Equipment
    Multibeam Echo Sounder
    Subsea Tide Gauges (TG)
    Subsea Current Meters (CM)
    Oceanographic Tide Buoys (2)
    No Towed Equipment

Project Overview

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In 2022, MMA Offshore was contracted by the Australian Hydrographic Office (Australian Government) to undertake the Cape Leeuwin Hydrographic Survey as a part of the HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP). The objective of the Survey is to facilitate the safe navigation of domestic commercial, military and recreational vessels in the region and to identify navigational hazards. The bathymetry data delivered to the client will be used to update Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) Charts AUS 116 Plans 1 & 2, AUS 335, AUS 336 and (ENC) AU334114, AU335114, AU335115.

The Cape Leeuwin survey area is located off the west coast of Margaret River to Augusta. The survey area encompasses 421 square nautical miles (approximately 80km x 25km).

The offshore campaign will span for approximately three months – from 10 December 2022 to 23 March 2023.

MMA will be using the Mermaid Searcher as the dedicated Hydrographic Survey vessel throughout the duration of the project, mobilising in the local ports of Fremantle and Bunbury. MMA will also use a range of subsea equipment throughout the project including Multibeam Echo Sounder, seabed tide gauges, seabed current metres and oceanographic tide buoys.

The project is also utilising a crew of 9 seafarers local to the south-west region and a team of seven MMA Surveyors, Data Processors and Survey Engineers.

In conjunction with the project, the Mermaid Searcher will also provide high-resolution multibeam survey data captured over a number of artificial reefs along the West Australian coastline to not-for-profit, community-based organisation Recfishwest and its research partners. This survey data will help marine scientists measure fish populations as well as marine growth on the reefs.

In order to protect and conserve the ecologically and culturally sensitive marine environment in which the project takes place, MMA have engaged with numerous stakeholder groups across the region and will continue to work collaboratively with these organisations throughout the duration of the project. These stakeholders include the Undalup Association, DPRID, Department of Transport, Parks Australia, DBCA-WA, WAFIC, Western Rock Lobster Council, the University of Western Australia and the Augusta Margaret River Shire.

For further information on the project, please contact MMA Program Manager, Chris Kennedy, on +61 8 9431 7431.

Category: MMA News, Employee News