Health, Safety, Environment & Quality

Health & Safety

The health and safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and clients is core to the way we do business. Our operations are underpinned by our Target 365 culture – our relentless commitment to the systematic management of health, safety and environmental management.

During the 2023 financial year, MMA’s Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate (TRCF) was 0.26 per million hours worked. Our safety performance has been assessed against our cohort of International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) members, placing MMA within the top quartile. When compared to our industry and the industries in which we support, our TRCF is a world class performance and demonstrations that safety is embedded in our culture.

Since launching the Target 365 Safety Culture Program in 2012, we have remained focussed on operational excellence which continues to support and drive MMA’s TRCF. Our world-class results confirm the effectiveness of our Target 365 approach as we continue to evolve and produce sustainable improvements in safety culture and performance.

MMA is a regular contributor to industry health and safety forums and is member of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Asia Pacific Region and the Global HSSE Committee. MMA is also a contributor to Safer Together WA/NT, an Australian not-for-profit, member-led organisation committed to seeking industry collaboration towards building a strong and consistent safety culture within our industry.


MMA remains committed to achieving the highest standard of environmental performance across all of its business activities. We also, reduced the use of single use plastics across our operations by implementing new potable water systems on our vessels and providing multi-use drink containers across the fleet. We will continue to focus on finding ways to reduce our environmental impact.


MMA’s Integrated Business Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 and we hold ISM Documents of Compliance for Australian Flag, Singapore Flag, Malaysian Flag and the Isle of Man Flag. Our Integrated Business Management System is a global management system encompassing vessel services, subsea services, major global projects and our engineering division.

MMA is also a supporter and contributor to the Offshore Vessel Management and Self-Assessment (OVMSA) programme which was developed by Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) as a tool to improve management systems.